Top 3 tips to managing change in uncertain times
/Some people will be relieved to see the relaxation of the Covid-19 rules, but for others, it may induce anxiety and worry. Change forces us to reassess how we do things and sometimes we need a little time and support to emotionally process and adapt to the impacts.
If you're finding it a little unsettling, you’re not alone. Feeling the strain of uncertainty is more common than you might think.
We have spent the last 20 months navigating the changing of rules and expectations caused by the development of the pandemic. Some of us have may have adapted well to this new way of living, but for many people the constant requirement to adapt has left them feeling a level of anxiety that perhaps they have not experienced before. Whether it be returning to work after a long furlough or changes to your office practices, these adjustments can be triggering and, quite frankly, make us just want to pull the duvet back over our heads.
“If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity”
Impacts of uncertainty
The uncertainty of what is going to happen next can be fear inducing. We are hard-wired to avoid uncertainty and the more things we feel uncertain about, the more we fear things. This could be triggered by anything from not knowing whether you can take your family on holiday this year, to the higher stakes concern of the viability of your business. To some, this can feel like a perpetual cycle of anxious thoughts and you are not alone.
Have you ever wondered why even the calmest person has a toddler style meltdown when packing for a big trip? Or why your partner gets annoyed when you just will not make a solid plan for your annual leave? Our brains react when we cannot be certain of things because it just does not feel safe. Your brain will do anything to ensure certainty – it is all about survival. But whilst we can try to pretend we do not have room for change and uncertainty, it is - and always will be - part of our lives. So how do we develop some uncertainty tolerance?
Here are Fortem Coaching’s Top 3 tips:
Circle of influence
You have more power than you think. By coaching yourself to put things into perspective, you can remove unnecessary triggers. The Circle of Influence, from Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989), looks at how we can distinguish between what we can and cannot control. For example, we could spend an hour a night worrying about the impacts of Brexit, Climate Change or political corruption, but in the here and now, we have very little control over it.
Instead, we should identify the things we do have the power to change and influence. Removing these larger issues from our plates will make us more proactive and remove the fog and overwhelm.
Consider the resources you have available to you and use them.
“Instead of a fixed, rigid mind operated by a set of preconceived ideas, our uncertain mind is curious, interested, reflective and malleable.” Source: Headspace
There is a fine line between fear and excitement. Without thinking, your brain, which hates the unknown, will frame uncertainty as something to be feared. But what about if you reframe it as something to find adventure in? When you flip that switch, your outlook will be transformed and you can welcome the possibilities and opportunities that come with the new challenge. This shift will allow you to set new goals which you may not have thought possible before.
Mindfulness is an invaluable tool which helps us notice our thoughts and emotions. The skills learned through this approach allow us to reflect on our concerns which we have no control over. Mindfulness will help you remove the layers of worry and allow you to focus on what you can influence in that moment.
Working with a Coach like me can help you to gain clarity on your goals, and to gain focus on the issues which will have the most impact on your life, as well as develop the skills to manage uncertainty.
If, like many others, you would like to explore these skills with our LEADERSHIP and CAREER DEVELOPMENT COACHING, contact Fortem Coaching now for your free 30-minute consultation.