Imposter syndrome is more than having a few doubts at work. Commonly, it is the belief that you are not as good as others think you are, and is accompanied by the fear of being ‘found out’.

At times, it can feel incredibly stressful, overwhelming and anxiety inducing.

It can make work exhausting and impact on your mental and physical wellness.

How do I know if I have it? Try answering these questions.

  • Do you attribute your success to luck, timing or good fortune?

  • Does self doubt ever leave you second guessing yourself, despite having the knowledge and experience?

  • Have you ever lost evenings or weekends replaying what you did at work or wasting time regretting what you didn’t do? 

  • Do you put yourself under pressure to uphold your own incredibly high expectations?

  • Do you find yourself overworking, picking up the slack for others, and generally trying to be a super hero regardless of the personal cost?

  • Can you be balanced with yourself if you make a mistake or miss something, or does it feel like your professional world may implode, or that you will be judged very harshly by others?

  • Do you think you have fooled people into believing you are better, more skilled, more clever than you believe you are?

If you answered yes a few times, you may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome. You’re certainly not alone as 70% of people suffer from this at some stage of their career.

But you have a choice. You can decide TODAY to take action to free yourself. 

Our OVER COMING IMPOSTER SYNDROME coaching program focuses on helping you to challenge the negative elements, whilst building up a healthy, empowering and grounded belief system. You will be able to enjoy your career more and progress with confidence and clarity.

‘Its time to tame the inner critic’

What will be covered?

Our ‘Overcoming Imposter Syndrome’ program focuses on:

  • Getting to know the Imposter - how it shows up for you, its impacts and the triggers.

  • Exploring what life will be like without Imposter Syndrome (Goals)

  • Identifying your unique professional skills and attributes, as well as an development areas so that you can learning how to use them for maximum impact

  • Your story, beliefs and values - how do these impact on your sense of identity?

  • The power of emotional and mental states, and how to alter them.

The program is based on a fusion of CBT, NLP, mindfulness and coaching theory. You will learn skills that will support and empower you long after the program has finished.


  • You will develop a new relationship with yourself based on trust, respect and compassion

  • You learn how to spot when you are being triggered by Imposter Syndrome, and you will have the skills and strategies for halting it before it takes hold

  • You will develop deepened self awareness and greater personal insights

  • Your confidence and self belief will increase as you accept and recognise your successes, and develop a full appreciation of your unique professional attributes

  • You will learn stress reduction & anxiety management strategies which will improve your work place performance, increase your productivity and focus.

  • You will feel more resilient to manage set backs and face challenges

How do we do it?

  • An initial 2-hour discovery session

  • Four weekly 90-minute one-to-one sessions

  • Two fortnightly 90-minute sessions

  • One 90-minute monthly session

  • A 90 minute follow up review session 3 months after completion



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