Mindfulness and Resilience Training


Mindfulness & resilience sessions can have a significant and positive impact for individuals and businesses.  They can enhance the wellbeing  and engagement of teams by teaching people skills and tools to better manage stress and anxiety. This can lead to increased positivity, productivity, lower absenteeism and a rise in creativity and collaboration. 

Why do we need mindfulness and resilience training in the workplace?

We all live in a frantic world, with our attention being hijacked second by second. Managing the many demands on our busy lives, whilst aiming to perform to our highest level at work, and be an effective team player and/or leader, can sometimes be a tall order.  

Working from home during the pandemic was incredibly stressful for many. People were balancing home and work pressure, increases in work volumes, with many reporting feeling less supported, more isolated and lacking in real human connection. Fear and uncertainty still hovers over us whether that anxiety about returning back to the office or on a more global level, the war in Ukraine.  Fear and uncertainty are challenging mental states to sustain and manage.

Workplace relationships have also been tested with reports of bullying and harassment having increased over the last 2 years. Even companies famed for their positive, people centric cultures are struggling to maintain or rebuild their people’s wellness and engagement levels. 

It's not surprising people's resilience is lower after the last few years.

But there is a solution. 

Mindfulness can help to bring calm to some of the internal turmoil we all experience from time to time. It can empower and balance us in a world of uncertainty. 

What are mindfulness and resilience sessions?

Workplace Mindfulness & Resilience Sessions teach teams/groups how to use mindfulness techniques in their work and life to improve their well-being, self awareness, communication and productivity. 

Learning these skills can decrease stress levels and support people  in becoming mentally resilient and happier. 

 The sessions will focus on Mindfulness CBT and Mindfulness Stress Reduction techniques, which  are scientifically proven evidence based approaches.

If you’d like to find out more, click below and get in touch. Our sessions are bespoke to your workplace and the needs of your workforce. All our sessions are tailored to improve the positivity and productivity of your team.